A free on-line medical database designed specifically for wildlife rehabilitators to collect, manage and analyze data for our patients.

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Wildlife Rehabilitation MD

How can Wildlife Rehabilitation MD benefit you?

Save The Wildlife

Find out quickly what protocols are working best in your clinic. Save more lives by learning from your records.

Save The People

Save time, energy and money with quick access to the information you need. No more digging through or losing paper records.

Save The Data

Analyze and learn from your data. Discover best practices and needed areas of improvement.

Thank you for this wonderful tool. I appreciate the amount of work that has gone into it. Being someone who develops UX / UI for a living I want to complement you on truly understanding who the users are, and understand how translating that into an intuitive design. I know that’s not easy, yet you pulled it off. Software this well written deserves to be supported so I have made my first donation of $100 to help.

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